Ideas for Mexico’s Energy Reform, 2024-36, Part 2 (MEI 969)


This report (screen version only) is the second in a series dedicated to rethinking energy policy in Mexico post-2024.  In this report (MEI 969), we visualize an experimental market design for oil exploration and extraction.  We imagine a free trade zone for the upstream (UFTZ) in which different rules would apply. If successful, the government could apply this market design more widely.


MEI Report 969 (screen version only)

 This report is the second in a series dedicated to rethinking energy policy in Mexico post-2024.  In this report (MEI 969, screen version only), we visualize an experimental market design for oil exploration and extraction.  We imagine a free trade zone for the upstream (UFTZ) in which different rules would apply. If successful, the government could apply this market design more widely.

 Oil companies, oilfield service companies, technology companies, and regulators are invited to confidentially contribute to the refinement of the market model. The goal is to consolidate ideas and policy recommendations for the energy sector for the public officials in Mexico who will assume responsibilities in 2024 and 2030.

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