Uber drivers in Mexico City opine (Market Comment 117)


This report examines aspects of the gasoline market in Mexico City from the perspective of Uber drivers who were interviewed during the week of May 5, 2023. Drivers were asked about their preferences in refueling at Pemex and other brands, the regulations applicable to platform-dispatched taxis (PDT), and their expectations regarding the cleanliness of bathrooms at the gas stations of Pemex and other brands.



This report examines aspects of the gasoline market in Mexico City from the perspective of Uber drivers who were interviewed during the week of May 5, 2023. Drivers were asked about their preferences in refueling at Pemex and other brands, the regulations applicable to platform-dispatched taxis (PDT), and their expectations regarding the cleanliness of bathrooms at the gas stations of Pemex and other brands. The report comments on PDT brands other than Uber, such as Didi, a Chinese platform whose app works in Mexico but not in the United States. The authors observe that while creative destruction has been successful in the traditional taxi market, there are other markets, such as residential natural gas, where the legacy model prevails.

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